She hates the melody...
When it comes in her heart and dejavu
Fools her up! Over and over
As if thousand years ago she lived in a
different world
With him in a beautiful palace
She hates the melody...
When it smashes her face that the real life is
full of happiness
Nothing compares even the imagination
And the waves pulled her up to the fake ocean
Heavy...heavy... She doesn't allow her heart
She hates the melody...
When the love poems written on her mind
About the beginning and ending of a love story
Tragically or happily ever after?
None of us knows
She hates the melody...
When it weakened the eeman
Faraway from His guidance
istigfar uttered everyday
And regret unstoppable
She hates the melody...
Only Allah 'Azza wa jalla the helper
To purify the enigma
And her soul dying
So, the awareness stay beside forever
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